Saturday, February 14, 2009

Autism Spectrum Testimonial 1

This post from a mother. "I am a special education teacher and an independent consultant through the state of NJ’s early intervention system. I have had the opportunity to work with children on the spectrum for quite some time. However, I have a much more prominent desire to help this population.

My son started to show signs of classic autism before the age of 2. My son has been on isotonix vitamins since he was 2 ½ years old. Simultaneously, he was intensively involved in the most cutting edge therapy for those on the spectrum. I began to get my lost little boy back. Although the improvements were remarkable, he still demonstrated symptoms of autism. Will has always had a ring-worm looking rash that never goes away, even with the isotonix. His anxiety levels were heightened and his eye-contact was poor.

Will has been on the spectrum isotonix since it came out. He is now 4 ½ years old. Two months of spectrum supplements and the rash he has had all his life went away. His eye contact has improved. I am getting positive letters from his teacher on a regular basis. I have gone back to work full-time and he is handling it. Most importantly, as a mom, he is connecting and communicating and enjoying the time he spends with people. I use to be wary of speaking out loud my greatest wish… to completely recover my sweet little boy from autism. I now have no doubt. He will recover. In my heart of hearts, I know that the spectrum supplements play a crucial role in his astounding progress.

Will’s regimen: 1 cap- spectrum digestives, spectrum opc, spectrum multi
½ cap- vitamin c, calcium, b-complex
with exactly 9 oz. of water and before he eats or drinks in the morning.

My nephew Lewis is 9 years old and severly autistic. He was completely non-verbal until my sister put him on a gluten-free diet at 7 years old. He began to acquire echolaic speech at that time. After seeing my son’s improvements, my sister put Lewis on the spectrum supplements. He is only getting half of what he should for his size and does not take it on an empty stomach. However, in just 1 month’s time he has had even more amazing results. Lewis’s speech is becoming meaningful and he is demonstrating a desire to communicate and learn from his environment. My sister calls me at least twice a week to tell me something new and amazing he is doing. Here are some examples: He told her he loved her for the first that was not echolaic. He jumped to the ground and said “Oh… Are you OK?!” when his older brother hit his head. He was pointing at pictures and independently initiating labeling them. There are many more. It is the buzz in my very large extended family… “Have you seen Lewis?!”

Autism is a devastating experience for any family. I have watched numerous families under-go the torment of watching their perfectly healthy and developing child suddenly or gradually slip away. It is a death of the soul. And sadly leads to the death of the family many times. Watching my little boy awaken from autism has given me and my family a new lease on life. Our greatest joy is only as fulfilling as our deepest sorrow. The loss of a child is the deepest of sorrows. If I can do anything to awaken more children and families from choke hold of autism, I will do it. I believe in these supplements and the power of the human spirit."

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