Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Why Blog?

Some visitors have been curious about the blogging, so Smokey pulled some comments various sources to help explain the phenomenon.

From Wikipedia...
A weblog or blog is a web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles (normally, but not always, in reverse chronological order). Although most early blogs were manually updated, tools to facilitate the updating and maintenance of such sites made them accessible to a much larger and less technical population. The use of some sort of browser-based software is now a typical aspect of "blogging."
Blogs range in scope from the diaries of individuals to webpages run by political campaigns, media programs, and corporations. They range in scale from the writings of one occasional author (known as a blogger), to the collaboration of a large community of writers. Many weblogs enable visitors to leave public comments, which can lead to a community of readers centered around the blog; others are non-interactive. The totality of weblogs or blog-related websites is often called the blogosphere. When a large amount of activity, information and opinion erupts around a particular subject or controversy in the blogosphere, it is sometimes called a blogstorm or blog swarm.
The tools for editing, organizing, and publishing weblogs are variously referred to as "content management systems," "publishing platforms," "weblog software," and simply "blogware."
Blogs differ from forums or newsgroups in that only one person or group can create new subjects for discussion on their blog. A network of blogs can act similarly to a single forum in that each individual entity in the blog network creates subjects of their choosing for others to discuss; these different subjects are presented in a thread-like format on a meta-forum with no one single poster having any greater control over the content of the thread than any other. Such networks require substantial interlinking to pull off, and so a group blog with multiple people holding posting rights is more common. Because they "go first," blog owners often has control over how a subject is discussed on their blog due to their ability to frame the issue.

This Google-based tool - Blogger - has several key attributes that appeal to me.
  • Inexpensive (free is good!)
  • Easy to use
  • Somewhat customizable (see easy to use)

Our focus supports many of the issues that our clients at Your Entity Solution, LLC have raised during the intake session as well as on-going discussions. By keeping the focus narrow, we are more likely to be interesting to the same type of readers, and more likely to have them come back.

Setting up a Blog is fairly simple - finding specific topics and content for the focus of the blog is the hard part.

Smokey has got to go now, it's off to the vet for her shots.

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